The missing link to automated digital organizational processes

Certista automatically connects data from external sources to the people in your organization.

Machine readable digital twin of the organization

Digital self-learning, automatic distribution of information.

Connect items, machines and documents easily

An easy API and barcodes connect your infrastructure with the people in the organization.

Information Mining turns data into knowledge for employees

Machine Learning and full tracking of events for neuronal correlation analysis.

Enterprise applications

More secure compliance and easier ISO certifications for the entire organization

Manage complex inventories easier with AI-supported predictive maintenance

Reduce costs through a reporting system for ideas and errors

The automatic distribution of documents alone lowers administrative costs and reduces legal risks.

Contracts that are automatically sent to the right person for review are real quick wins.

Dipl. Ing. Edgar Stehning, PROERGEBNIS, Lead Auditor ISO and early stage investor in Certista

Transparent responsibilities, secure compliance

By the way, the establishment of Certista suddenly makes tasks and responsibilities transparent.

Create data capable processes

Regular tasks can be linked to processes, they form the basis for a later automation, with transaction data from real business transactions.

Certista’s algorithms give a due process as a to-do to the right person. After completion, it’s simply dragged & dropped to the next position..

Proprietary intelligence

Even with incomplete data Certista finds the responsible person.

Easy Certification

The set up of the organization already covers large parts for the ISO 9001:2015 certification.

Maintenance scheduling via AI – Certista informs responsible person automatically

Certista reduces the gap between digital and manual.

Easily add documents and resources

Easily assign assets and documents to the right place in the organizational structure and automatically identify and remind the responsible person.

Review contracts on time before their deadline

Automatic reminders of contract deadlines are a quick-win on the cost side.

Event tracking for predictive maintenance

The intelligent storing of events (faults, maintenance dates, operating data) allows comparison with similar assets and enables predictive maintenance.

To-Do generation for the right person

Certista finds the person responsible at the moment of maintenance and generates a to-do for them.

Approx. 10% time saving through auto-prioritization: A Certista algorithm gives preference to quickly completed to-do’s, allowing employees to work from top to bottom.

«Real transactions» connected via interface appear as To-Do and are moved on to the next processing after processing according to the Kanban system.

Screenshot: Optional manual weighting of to-do’s according to extended Eisenhower principle

Machine-readable structures are essential for complete digitalization of organisations.

Certista closes this gap and offers organizations an impressive automation potential with EBIT effect.

Dr. Tobias Fries, founder and CEO of Certista, into which he brought the experience of 15 years of restructuring business.

What kind of knowledge do you want from your data?

We listen to you in order to transform existing data of various factors into knowledge that provides you with answers and action orientation.


  • Personalized solution for your data
  • Implementation of desired features
  • Support during the introduction
  • More than 10 years of experience in big data


  • Institutional investors welcome to onboard SaaS
  • Relevant product with strong growth expectations
  • Clear unique selling proposition

Contact us!

Preferably by e-mail:

We are particularly happy to get in touch with more customers, to learn from their experience and challenges in order to further complete the Structury software product.

Looking forward to meeting you soon!


Die Structury Software zur Automatisierung von Prozessen in Organisationen erzeugt eine vollständige Digitalisierung Ihrer administrativen Vorgänge. Jede Akte wird unterstützt durch intelligente Daten-Algorithmen automatisch  voll digital durch die Organisation geleitet.


The structural software for automating processes in organizations creates a complete digitalization of your administrative processes. Each file is automatically routed through the organization fully digitally, supported by intelligent data algorithms.

© Copyright of the product: Structury Labs GmbH, Rheinfelden, AG | Content and website: Certista Deutschland AG | Fotonachweis:,,